Thursday's Daily Brief

Thursday, December 22, 2011
Karen Tse On Abolishing Torture
President Obama Fires New Shot At GOP In Tax Cut Fight
Apple Poised For Loss In Claim Against iPad Competitor
Adam Lambert Arrested On Assault Charges After Heated Quarrel With Boyfriend
WATCH: Occupy Wall Street Plans To 'Occupy Christmas'
Marcus Samuelsson: How Food Politics Can Affect Your Election Choices
Food accessibility, costs, and subsidies will come into sharp focus as Congress looks to cut at least $23 billion in subsidies in the 2012 Farm Bill. While cuts are crucial to stem the growing deficit, many will only hurt the population and can threaten the economy in the long run.
Raymond J. Learsy: For an Effective U.S. Policy, Embargo Iran's Oil to Halt Its Nuclear Ambitions
The prospect of messianic, fanatic mullahs acquiring nuclear weapons presents an existential danger to much of the world and puts millions of lives at risk. Clearly the Obama administration understands this and has chosen to act effectively.
Robert Scheer: On to the Next 'Bubble Fantasy'
That Thomas Friedman's self-serving feints at the truth can still earn him a place of high regard in the world of journalism is a sad commentary on the profession that has rewarded him so lucratively.
Donna Britt: Holiday Giving -- for Women, It's Year-Round
Other women's paths to giving may be as hidden as mine. So this Christmas, I'm asking over-giving women to pause and give themselves something: a break.
Josey Vogels: Relationship Quiz: Will You Survive Christmas Together?
I've had at least three relationships break up right before Christmas, so for those of you heading into the holidays à deux, take this quiz to see if your relationship will survive.
