Public Health, Environment At Stake In 'Farm Bill'

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Some U.S. farmers are paid to leave their land wild; others are compensated when weather devastates their cultivated land. Still others receive money when crop prices drop -- all from the same federal funds set aside through the current Farm Bill.
Judge Refuses To Force Fracking Co. To Give Water To Local Families
U.S. Charged With Stonewalling Climate Negotiations
Let The Horse Slaughtering Recommence
After Losing Fed Loan, Military Solar Project Back On Track
U.N. Scientist: Global Warming Leading To Loss Of Agriculture, Water, Species
Bill McKibben: Indigenous Leaders Will Hand Obama Emergency Mother Earth Accord, Say Face to Face No Keystone XL
In the ongoing fight to keep tarsands oil in the ground, no group has been more vocal, more consistent, and more effective than native and indigenous groups on both sides of the border.
Charles Redfern: Evangelism and Environmentalism: A Time to Act
I needed tips from Jesus on how to halt my controversial ways, so I began reading Mark's Gospel. Shock of shocks: He deliberately sparked strife. Jesus!
Mike Casey: Can Obama Go Back to Political Base(ics)?
I'm still not sure why the White House let things get to the point where supporters had to threaten to withhold their time, money and effort -- all over a boondoggle that wouldn't have dropped gas prices at all.
Andrew Winston: Water's Economics as Muddy as Ever
Water's economics are anything but clear. Water is one of the world's most glaring commercial anomalies, with a price reflecting nothing more than the costs to extract and distribute it.
Neil Wagner: Climate Change Makes the Bad Old Days Look Better
Parents have always taken pride in telling kids how hard things were in the "good old days." But the "things used to be tougher" gambit may be losing some of its power. Thanks, in part, to climate change.
