HuffPost World Daily Brief: UK Embassy Stormed.. Norway Killer 'Insane'.. Spewing Volcano..

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
TEHRAN, Iran -- Hard-line Iranian students stormed the British diplomatic compounds in Tehran on Tuesday, bringing down the Union Jack flag and throwing documents from windows in scenes reminiscent of the anger against Western powers after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
Psychiatric Evaluation Finds Norway Killer Insane
Day One Of Egypt's First Free Elections A Pleasant Surprise
U.S. Suspects NATO Forces Were Lured Into Deadly Pakistan Raid
Lebanese Rockets Hit Northern Israel
Ecuador Urges Evacuations Near Spewing Volcano
Suleiman Wali: 5 Things Afghan History Can Teach Us
Today, Afghanistan is an Islamic Republic, a middle path between a secular and theocratic form of government. It's time to realize the potential of this compromise, and to allow the great powers of democracy and Islam to finally reconcile in Afghanistan.
Robert Kuttner: Europe on the Brink
All of the accounts of the current situation in Europe have some merit, yet all miss the deeper point. This crisis occurred because bankers and shadow bankers (such as the hedge funds that are betting against Europe's bonds) have too much power.
Rep. Jim McDermott: Congo at a Crossroads
Failure to help the Congolese people consolidate their democracy would put the modest but important gains of recent years at risk and also send a message that we are indifferent to the pursuit of justice and security.
Marianne Mollmann: Time to Involve Women in Post-conflict Rebuilding
These past few months have been big on words and renewed promises on women's participation, in particular in post-conflict settings. While it is incumbent on all of us to make sure these promises are kept, governments have a special obligation to ensure equality.
Barry Lando: U.S.-Pakistan Shipwreck: China Profits, Again
The killing of 24 Pakistan troops by NATO forces is just the latest disastrous chapter in U.S.-Pakistan relations. As affairs go from bad to catastrophic, it's not just the Taliban who will benefit, but also China.
