150 Sites Hit In Massive Piracy Crackdown

Monday, November 28, 2011
Federal authorities have shut down 150 websites accused of selling knock-off or pirated merchandise to unsuspecting online bargain hunters.
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Larry Magid: Online Privacy Primer (Slide Show)
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Susan Landau: Hollywood and the Internet: Time for the Sequel
With cyber security a national priority, Hollywood would like to make it harder to determine whether a website is legitimate. Yes, you read those words correctly; Hollywood is lobbying for a bill that would derail current efforts to secure the network.
Patrick Ruffini: Stop #SOPA: Using the Internet to Save the Internet
Everywhere this year, we're seeing the power of the instant activist. Insidery D.C. lobbying fights may be ripe for technology-driven disruption just like political campaigns were a decade ago.
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