BLOG POSTS | Marlo Thomas: What Your Kids Might Not Be Telling You In case you need reminding from when you were a kid -- kids keep secrets from their parents. But there is one secret, for sure, that has to be brought out into the open... because it's killing them. | | Lauren Bravo: Slutty Halloween: Why Can't Women Just Wear Normal Fancy Dress? Somewhere between the Thriller video and Kitty Brucknell humping that dartboard, Halloween became the get-out-of-slutty-free card - a chance for nice, normal girls with a tasteful line in Uniqlo cardigans to crank their assets up to their chin and embrace their slaggy alter egos for a night. | | Leo W. Gerard: Sacrilege: Wall Street Worship Americans have been worshiping a bull. Too many citizens, and particularly politicians, prostrate themselves to Wall Street's bronze idol. | | Xochitl Gonzalez: 5 Topics You Shouldn't TOUCH When Giving A Wedding Toast Should you be asked to make some remarks at a wedding, or are thinking of taking the mic up at your own wedding, here are five topics that should be avoided ... at any and all costs. | | Fred Bernstein: America's Mega-Mansions and Micro-Cribs Grow Farther Apart For every homeless person, at least four houses are sitting empty in America. In a more just world, anyone seeking to build a 30,000-square-foot house would also have to fund a homeless shelter -- and make it at least as big as their guest wing. | | MOST POPULAR ON HUFFINGTONPOST.COM |