Tuesday's Daily Brief

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Help Us Pick the Media Game Changers of 2011
Help Us Pick the Game Changers of 2011 Politics

Tell Us Who Changed the Game in Your Life and Win a Trip to Celebrate with HuffPost in NYC!
Facebook Will Friend Lawmakers With Cash
DSK Claims Diplomatic Immunity, Asks New York Court To Dismiss Hotel Maid's Lawsuit
Arianna Huffington: Announcing HuffPost's 2011 Game Changers... And Your Chance To Party With Them
I am delighted to announce HuffPost's 2011 Game Changers -- our third annual celebration of 100 innovators, mavericks, visionaries, and leaders who are changing the way we look at the world and the way we live in it.
Robin Quivers: The Help Isn't Helping
I can't tell you how many times white women have told me they saw The Help and just loved it. In some ways, I think they're trying to tell me that thanks to the film, they now get it.
Alec Baldwin: If You Take Away The Death Penalty, There's Justice All Around
We don't need the death penalty. Life in prison without parole is the worst possible sentence. Have you ever visited a prison and spoken to inmates about what goes on there? How they feel? I have. Prison itself is the death penalty. In the slowest of slow motion.
Jessica Pearce Rotondi: Is Happiness Really Priceless?
If it drains you in too many ways to count, is a higher paying job really more valuable to you? Can we assign a dollar value to the restorative powers of a vacation with friends, or the satisfaction you feel from having time to pursue interests outside of the office?
Deborah Finding: Tori Amos' 'Night Of The Hunters' Examines Broken Relationship
Tori Amos has been a trailblazer for her entire career, developing her own composing style and tackling difficult subjects such as sexual violence and miscarriages on her records. This week sees Amos try yet another new direction with the release of her twelfth studio album.
