7 Sites You Should Be Wasting Time On Right Now

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Another Wednesday is upon you, and we know you've been sitting like a sad puppy at the rainy window of the Internet waiting for seven more sites to distract and entertain you, so don't worry. We're here now.

As always, be sure to vote for your favorites and let us know if you come across any awesome new time-wasters that you think we should feature.

WATCH: Amy Sedaris, Jimmy Fallon & Will Forte Cook Hot Dogs On A Rake
If You Buy This For Your Daughter You Fail Parenting
WATCH: Awesome Jon Stewart Supercut
WATCH: Best Alan Rickman Impression Ever?
WATCH: Don Cheadle Plays Captain Planet
Luis J. Rodriguez: Why We Need a Deeper Dialogue on Black-and-Brown Relations
Setting Katt Williams' historical record straight.
Avital Binshtock: The Real Debbie Downer: An Interview With SNL's Rachel Dratch
Rachel Dratch, best known for her Debbie Downer character on Saturday Night Live, recently volunteered her comedic talents for a televised public-service announcement.
James Napoli: When Songs Attack: Assaulted by Muzak in the 21st Century
In deference to the overall awesomeness that is Trader Joe's, the fact is we can barely go anywhere anymore without being assaulted by a feel-good music mix. The mall, a restaurant, a waiting room. And it isn't always feel-good.
Jim Noles: The Most Powerful Name(s) in College Football Today
Although the first snap of the 2011 college football season has yet to crackle, pop, or flop, it's not too earlier to declare the most powerful names in the sport.
Tim Young: Leaked: Perry Campaign Guidelines Memo
Governor Perry's campaign welcoming letter is quite telling...
