Wednesday's Daily Brief

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
CBO: Reid Debt Ceiling Plan Would Save More Than Boehner's Proposal
Boehner Rewriting Debt Ceiling Plan, Faces Tea Party Opposition
Is DSK's Accuser Risking It All By Speaking To The Media?
Apple To Build Its Largest Store Ever
Albert Brooks: Presidential Rebuttals Throughout History
Isn't the whole point of winning the office of president that you can talk to the nation without others belittling what you say? I began to think of some the great presidential moments and what their rebuttals might have sounded like, had they been allowed at the time.
Rev. Al Sharpton: Greatest Racial Wealth Gap in Decades; Time for Immediate Action
We are now officially witnessing the largest ethnic wealth disparity in decades. For those who claim we are in some sort of 'post-racial' society, I have news for you: we are anything but.
David H. Murdock: Food Knowledge Is Health Power
People are constantly asking me: What do I eat? What should they eat? What should they do to help avoid disease and live longer? Too many people feel powerless to know what they should eat for proper nutrition.
Cheryl Forberg, RD: Why We Eat When We're Not Hungry
Forget physical hunger -- sometimes we reach for food to soothe our emotional cravings. When we're anxious, angry, fatigued, overwhelmed or otherwise under stress, a seemingly hard-wired desire to overeat can take over.
Robert Scheer: Debt Madness Was Always About Killing Social Security
What should have been an uneventful moment in which lawmakers make good on the nation's contractual obligations has instead been seized upon by Republican hypocrites to settle ideological scores.
