Tuesday's Daily Brief

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
New Jersey Anti-Union Bill Approved
Gabrielle Giffords Makes First Public Appearance
France's Christine Lagarde Set To Replace Strauss-Kahn
Bulger Traveled Incognito And Heavily Armed To Boston
Men Don't Recognize 'Benevolent' Sexism: Study
Keli Goff: How Political Correctness Is Killing the DREAM Act: A Candid Conversation About Jose Antonio Vargas, Mom and Me
The conversation over illegal immigration seems to have been hijacked by two extreme positions: Those who believe that all illegal immigrants should be deported, and those who believe that all illegal immigrants deserve a path to citizenship. Both sides are wrong.
Matthew Dowd: What 2012 Republican Contenders Can Learn From Rory McIlroy
McIlroy explained his strategy was to set an overall goal, do his best, play things out in small segments and not pay much attention to the leaderboard. His approach could be a model for Republicans who want to take on President Obama.
Rachel M. Brownstein: Jane Austen Books You May Not Have Discovered Yet
So you think you know Jane Austen? Here are some works you may not have discovered yet.
Courtney Cachet: Living Large in Small Spaces
Just like fashion, less is more -- especially when it comes to a tight space. The more items in view means the more crowded and cluttered the room appears.
Kristen Henderson: The Dress
What Governor Cuomo and those 33 Senators did on Friday night was miraculous: Their votes declared that my family is no longer less than your family. And it enabled me to wake up on Saturday morning with a crystal-clear vision of what my future can look like.
