iOS downgrades and untethered jailbreaks to become history post iOS 5? TheiLoop - TiL

iOS downgrades and untethered jailbreaks to become history post iOS 5? TheiLoop - TiL

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iOS downgrades and untethered jailbreaks to become history post iOS 5?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 11:43 AM PDT

All of you jailbreakers out there most probably have already heard about saving SHSH blobs for your iOS Devices before upgrading to any new firmware released by Apple so that you can easily downgrade to the previous firmware even if Apple has discontinued signing that version of firmware. It was all good and safe for jailbreakers because if they had any problem with their device on newer firmware version they could simply downgrade to previous version of iOS and use their device normally.

In iOS 5 that is going to change, as iPhone Dev-Team has pointed out the following on their blog

“Starting with the iOS5 beta, the role of the "APTicket" is changing — it's being used much like the "BBTicket" has always been used.  The LLB and iBoot stages of the boot sequence are being refined to depend on the authenticity of the APTicket, which is uniquely generated at each and every restore (in other words, it doesn't depend merely on your ECID and firmware version…it changes every time you restore, based partly on a random number).  This APTicket authentication will happen at every boot, not just at restore time.  Because only Apple has the crypto keys to properly sign the per-restore APTicket, replayed APTickets are useless.”

This affect will only take place for restores starting at iOS 5 and above, Currently GeoHot’s Limera1n exploit occurs before this new checking method is applied so tethered jailbreaks will still be possible for devices where that exploit applies.

“This will only affect restores starting at iOS5 and onward, and Apple will be able to flip that switch off and on at will (by opening or closing the APTicket signing window for that firmware, like they do for the BBTicket).  geohot's limera1n exploit occurs before any of this new checking is done, so tethered jailbreaks will still always be possible for devices where limera1n applies.  Also, restoring to pre-5.0 firmwares with saved blobs will still be possible (but you'll soon start to need to use older iTunes versions for that). Note that iTunes ultimately is *not* the component that matters's the boot sequence on the device starting with the LLB.”

What does it mean to you?

As mentioned in the paragraph above, downgrades to pre-iOS 5 versions of iOS can still be done but users might need to use older versions of iTunes to make that happen in the future.

The Solution

Dev-Team believes that there are methods to combat this move by Apple, but it is not the right time to discuss them as iOS 5 is still in beta stages and there is still time left for its public release that is scheduled for the fall.

[Dev-Team blog]

Apple releases Thunderbolt cable for new Macs worth $49

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 08:42 AM PDT

Apple today released a new Thunderbolt cable for iMacs and MacBook Pros with Thunderbolt ports. This new cable allows users to attach peripherals to their computer’s Thunderbolt port and take advantage of the fast data transfers at 10Gbit/s their computer is capable of providing. This new cable can also be used for display purposes, like you can use your iMac as a display for MacBook pro with Thunderbolt port.

Thunderbolt technology supports blazing-fast data transfer with two independent channels of 10Gbit/s each. Use the Apple Thunderbolt cable to connect your Thunderbolt-equipped peripherals to your new iMac or new MacBook Pro.

Apple Thunderbolt cable can also be used for Target Disk Mode between two Macs that support Thunderbolt, or to use a new iMac as a display for a MacBook Pro equipped with Thunderbolt.

Apple Thunderbolt cable for Thunderbolt equipped Macs is available for $49 on Apple’s Online Store here.

Forget Apple iPhone 5, here’s your iPhone 5 made of multiple fruits and veggies

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 04:31 AM PDT


Are you eagerly waiting for Apple to release iPhone 5? well guess what, that is not going to happen until September. But if you really can’t wait and like all sorts of fruits including Apple then this one is for you. Top Fruit Production posted this very creative video in which they have created an image of iPhone 5 using fruits and vegetables.

We really enjoyed watching this video, but we also really hope that the fruits and veggies used in this video were properly recycled.


Final Cut Pro X gets slammed The Social Network style

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 02:54 AM PDT


Apple released Final Cut Pro X a few days ago, that has failed to impress most of its loyal users. Following the footsteps of Canon O’Brien, a former Final Cut Pro user decided to express his feelings about the newly released software by making a video against it.

He has cleverly made the video by imitating the official trailer of the popular movie “The Social Network” to gain the attention of the masses. Here’s what he has to say about Final Cut Pro X.

Jeffery Harrell: "I used Final Cut Pro X for a while. And I formed some opinions about it.
Oh, and since it's been asked: I cut this with Premiere 5.5 on my laptop. Never used Premiere before, needed a project to learn on."

