Everything You Need to Know About Video Editing Software!

-------- PC Mag Buying Guide --------
-------- for June 30, 2011 --------
How to Buy Video Editing Software; Adobe Premier Pro CS5;
Final Cut Pro X
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* How to Buy Video Editing Software

* Adobe Premier Pro CS5

* Final Cut Pro X

* Apple iMovie '11

* Windows Live Movie Maker 2011

* CyberLink PowerDirector 9

* JayCut


How to Buy Video Editing Software

These days, it's difficult to find a piece of electronics that
doesn't have video recording capability, so there's a good
chance that you have a nice collection of home movies. If you
want to make those clips presentable to others, you'll need
video editing software. Fortunately, there's a wide range of
choices that can help you edit, clean up, and share your videos.
Check out which are worth your time in our video editing
software guide.



Adobe Premier Pro CS5

The changes made to the latest version of Adobe Premiere Pro CS5
(most notably, native 64-bit compatibility) improves this video
editing package's performance at nearly every step of the
production process.



Final Cut Pro X

Apple's completely revamped Final Cut Pro X makes serious leaps
and bounds past its predecessor in terms of usability and
performance. The upgrade is a complete from-the-ground-up-
rewrite that takes advantage of modern 64-bit multicore CPUs,
and is a radical departure for the increasingly popular software



Apple iMovie '11

iMovie '11 improves on the already-impressive ease and power of
Apple's iconic video production software. The new audio editing
and amazing Hollywood-style trailer features are enough to make
the upgrade both worth your time and the reasonable price.



Windows Live Movie Maker 2011

For a free download, Windows 7 and Vista users get one of the
easiest ways to make creative good-looking movies from their
videos and digital photos, and a super-simple way to post them



CyberLink PowerDirector 9

PowerDirector offers the best response and rendering speed of
consumer video editing software we've tested. The app includes
nearly every video effect and output option you could ask for.
And this latest version also adds a capable sound editor.




JayCut offers a surprising amount of functionality for a Web
app, but potential privacy concerns and easily-correctable
design choices sully the video editing experience a bit.



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