Why Do Single Dads Get Shafted?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
There are about 1.8 million single fathers in the United States -- a 27 percent jump in the past decade, according to the latest Census. Of those single-father families, 46 percent are divorced, and another 19 percent are separated. That's about two-thirds of all single-father families -- a pretty substantial portion of men taking their children to ballet classes or Little League practice. So why are we surprised that many of them are either co-parenting or have full custody?
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The #1 Most Irksome Thing People Say After Divorce
Why Divorce Shouldn't Destroy Holiday Traditions
Anne Vitiello: Why Marrieds And Divorcees Should Declare A Holiday Truce
The divorced are, at worst, in grief, and at best, in transition. Both altered states can make for some odd company.
Lee Block: The 12 Divorced Days Of Christmas
It's time to fill in the gap that divorced (or divorcing) people are falling through. As a step toward a solution, I've decided to take it upon myself to start with a little song for the holidays.
Justin Sternberg: Why It Doesn't Feel Good To Be Butt Naked In Front Of Your Ex-Wife While She's Laughing At You
Here's the best part about love: one morning you can be in your most vulnerable state, literally naked watching your ex-wife laugh at you, but later that night, you can lock eyes with a new girl at a bar and realize that you're finally ready to love again.

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