HuffPost World Daily Brief: US Military Icon In Iraqi Hands.. Congo Election Violence..

Friday, December 2, 2011
GENEVA — Syrian authorities cracking down on opposition protesters have killed at least 307 children, the United Nation's human rights chief said Friday, urging world powers to refer these and other allegations of Syrian "crimes against humanity" to the International Criminal Court.
U.S. Military Icon In Iraqi Hands
Congo Election Violence Kills At Least 18 People
Gaddafi Son's LSE Entrance
Russian Watchdog Registers More Than 4,700 Election Law Violations
Biden Urges Turkey To Impose New Sanctions On Iran
Jayshree Bajoria: Tenuous Ties on 'AfPak' Frontier
A NATO air attack that killed at least twenty-four Pakistani soldiers along the Afghan border has further damaged a U.S.-Pakistan relationship that has lurched from crisis to crisis this year.
Bernard-Henri Lévy: Israel-Palestine: What If Peace Were Actually at Hand ?
We must try everything. Put everything out there. For at the crossroads of these three paths, faithful to the spirit of Geneva, we have a rendezvous with peace.
Robert Naiman: War-Weary Republicans Rebuke Romney On Afghanistan
On Iraq, Afghanistan, and military spending, Romney, Gingrich and most of the other candidates have mostly sung from the old-time Republican hymnal. Meanwhile, the great sea of Republicans has been doing Vatican II.
Trita Parsi: Why the UK Embassy in Iran Was Attacked: The Domestic Angle
Viewing the attack as a response to the increasing pressure Iran is faced with may be accurate. Trying to prove to the West that it doesn't respond to pressure, Tehran might have calculated that upping the ante may make that message crystal-clear. But there is more to this picture.
Carl Pope: Letter From Durban
Although the formal negotiating process is a disappointment -- particularly the U.S. role -- the opportunities we face keep increasing, along with the challenges. Can Durban be the turning point?
