11 Bad Health Trends We Don't Want To See In 2012

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Every year has its health fads, both the fit and the fear-inducing. In 2010, it was all about fitness video games and the Shake Weight, according to Shape.com. In 2009, the big news was BPA-free water bottles and shoes that trim, tone and lift, according to Glamour.com

This year, there were some break-out stars: Americans focused on getting enough vitamin D, we cracked down on our diet soda addictions and we said goodbye to the out-of-date food pyramid.

But there were also some letdowns. We've still had the wool pulled over our eyes by advertisers touting bogus health claims for the latest get-slim-quick gadget and we've been suckered into risking our health just to try dangerous dieting fads. Click through our picks for the 11 fads that need to go in 2012. Then click over to HuffPost Canada's predictions for the hot new fitness trends we'll see in the coming year.
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