NYPD Arrests 700 'Occupy Wall Street' Protesters

Sunday, October 2, 2011
Hundreds of people protesting Wall Street abuses were penned in and arrested by police Saturday, two weeks into an ongoing demonstration that has become known on Twitter as #OccupyWallStreet.
Wall Street Ends Worst Quarter Since Depths Of Financial Crisis
WATCH: Dozens Arrested Protesting BofA Foreclosure Practices
'Breastaurant' Feud: Hooters Sues Rival For Stealing 'Trade Secrets'
Shovel-Ready Projects Exist, And U.S. May Need Them For Long Time
California To Quit Foreclosure Settlement Talks
Debra Goldblatt-Sadowski: How to Impress Me With Your Resume
Remember that episode of Seinfeld? Well, we're with Mr. Lippman. Chill out on the exclamation points -- they are rarely necessary in a resume/cover letter. When in doubt, leave them out.
Peter Nowak: CRTC Chair Crossed Harper Government Too Many Times
Konrad von Finckenstein has a pretty good resume for someone who's looking to prove their independent thinking, which is a good trait if you're an entrepreneur, but not so much for a government-appointed bureaucrat. The fear now is that the prime minister will move to install a CRTC chair who is more subservient.
Jeffrey Rubin: Governments Powerless to Prevent Another Recession
The more you hear about the extraordinary efforts that governments around the world are taking to promote economic growth, the less confident you can be in the result.
Max Fraad Wolff: Political Web 2.0?
From the Arab Spring through the OECD year of discontent, the web 2.0 generation is using social media to agitate against the status quo.
Stacie Nevadomski Berdan: Looking for a Job? Think Globally.
Globalization is here and now and happening, faster every year, so all of us -- especially high school, undergrad and grad students -- will need to figure out how to deal with it.
