Michael Lewis: America Needs To Hit Bottom 'Like An Addict'

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
America needs to hit bottom "like an addict" to rebound from its economic woes, according to Michael Lewis, author of Moneyball, The Big Short and other books that have been optioned for movies.
Big Banks Accused Of Overcharging Military Veterans
The Top 10 Places To Evade Taxes In Offshore Accounts
Nearly Half Of Americans Live In Households With Government Aid
Fed: Big Banks Should Tie More Employee Pay To Risk
Mass. AG Proceeding With Unlawful Foreclosure Lawsuits
Jason McCabe Calacanis: Be the 1%: Chamath, Airbnb, Occupy Wall Street and the Choice Millennials Should Make
It's lame to protest for more jobs when you will so easily create them by starting a company. Now get out of your tents, learn to code and make something that changes the world.
Janell Ross: Zucotti Park: A Distorted View Minus Millions of Americans
There's been a lot made of the ideological diversity in Zuccotti Park. And ideas can certainly have meaning across racial, ethnic and sometimes even class lines. But, the near absence of racial and ethnic diversity in the park is also worth noting.
Jerry Jasinowski: Déjà Vu China
All of a sudden Congress, or at least the Senate, is on the brink of enacting some sort of legislation intended to retaliate against China for its currency manipulation. For me, to borrow a line from Yogi Berra, it is "déjà vu all over again."
Richard Barrington: Best States for Retirement 2011
Your best place to retire depends on highly personal factors. You care about proximity of friends and family, cultural and natural attractions or maybe the presence of a favorite professional sports team.
Steve Malkenson: It Can't Happen Here (or Can It?)
There is a monumental crisis in this country, and no one seems to comprehend its gravity. We are all too selfish to place the welfare (perhaps even survival) of our society above our own shortsighted self-interest.
