Koch-Owned Plant Linked To High Cancer Rates, Film Alleges

Thursday, October 13, 2011
WASHINGTON -- David Bouie, a 64-year-old resident of Crossett, Ark., says something isn't right on Penn Road. In the 15 homes on his street, 11 people have recently died of cancer. The casualties include George Parker and his wife, Ollie Parker, as well as Bobbie Sue Gibbs and her neighbor Tom Perkins, both of whom passed away with multiple cancers. Dolores Wimberly, a former neighborhood resident, says her daughter Laetitia, a nonsmoker, died of lung cancer at 43; and Penn Road resident Norma Thompson says her husband died of lung cancer, while she continues to have breathing problems, often relying on a respirator.
Companies Cited Over Gulf Oil Spill
Popular Texas State Park A 'Moonscape' After Wildfires
PHOTOS: Captain Of Ship Spilling Oil Off New Zealand Coast Faces Criminal Charges
WATCH: Baby Gorilla Saved From Black Market Sale
Oil Refinery Faces Record Fines Over Clean Air Act Violations
Corbin Hiar: Before Obama Retreat on Ozone, EPA Chief Warned of Illnesses and Deaths
When President Obama retreated from a tougher stance on smog last month, his Environmental Protection Agency chief had formally concluded that the existing standard endangered thousands of Americans, including children and people with respiratory ailments.
Edward Flattau: Solar Scapegoat
Simply because "green" energy is a mainstay of President Obama's domestic policy, House Republicans are fixated on discrediting it, even if that means abdicating future leadership to China in the global technology revolution.
Brenda Ekwurzel, Ph.D.: Taking Stock of the Summer of Extremes: 2011
It's less costly to prepare for climate change, which has already increased the chances for extreme heat wave conditions, than to suffer the kinds of losses that economists call the "costs of inaction."
Rabbi Rachel Kahn-Troster: A Just Harvest for Sukkot
A just harvest cannot mean tomatoes picked by slave labor or for sub-poverty wages. We are calling on the Jewish community to support the Campaign for Fair Food.
David Yarnold: An Open Letter to Secretary Clinton: KO Keystone XL
These murky relationships and end-runs around science were hallmarks of previous administrations that disdained science. Has the Obama administration signed on as well?
